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Style Change (スタイルチェンジ Sutairu Chenji) is a technique from the Mega Man Battle Network series only available to NetNavis who have Change.bat installed. Style Changes allow NetNavis to temporarily change their element and weaponry. It replaces the generic elemental armors from the first Mega Man Battle Network game, and is replaced by the Double Soul in Mega Man Battle Network 4.

MegaMan has 7 different elemental Styles: Guts, Custom, Shield, Team, Bug, Ground, Shadow. These Styles have 4 elements they can take: Aqua, Elec, Heat, and Wood. This allows for many different combinations for many battle situations. Additionally, MegaMan has 2 Styles with no element: Normal Style and Hub Style.


The Change.bat (チェンジ.bat / チェンジバッチ Chenji Bacchi) is an internal program grants MegaMan the ability of the Style Change throughout Mega Man Battle Network 2 and Mega Man Battle Network 3.

In the ending of Mega Man Network Transmission, Dr. Hikari published a special PET column, "Armor is behind the times". He believes fighting styles must be changed to fit the situation or else society will be unable to defeat new viruses.

In Battle Network 2, Dr. Hikari needed Change.bat to complete his research so that MegaMan can become stronger, but he does not know where to get it. It turns out that the Change.bat is the national treasure of YumLand and had to be stolen ""retrieved"" from the treasure vault in Yumland area. It was guarded by YumLand NetNavis that have to be defeated. After it was retrieved, Yuichiro Hikari installs it into MegaMan, granting him the Style Change ability, giving him Style Changes depending on how he fights with the element being randomly selected. MegaMan gains his first Style Change in a dungeon while chasing down ShadowMan.

Some time after the game, Change.bat has apparently gone dormant as MegaMan does not start with it in the early part of Battle Network 3. The power reawakens once again when MegaMan gets a Style Change while fighting off BubbleMan's minions.

Style Elements[]

Main article: Elements

Weapon arms for the different elements.

Elements are randomly applied to a style when it is obtained. New style changes obtained will always have a different element from the previous one. Except for Normal and Hub Styles, all styles can use an element and change MegaMan to that color. Each Style Change has different properties based on its element.

Additionally in Battle Network 2 and Battle Network 3, the very first time the player obtains a Style Change, its chosen element is preset and cannot be changed via "save scumming" to get a different one. The game picks the first element as soon as the player starts a new game file. Moreover, from this point on, the element for the next Style Change (and all sequential events) is chosen immediately after triggering the most recent event, and this occurs whether the player decides to keep the new Style or not.

BC Element Null Non-elemental[]

Only Normal Style and Hub Style can be this element. It has no weakness and no elemental advantage.

  • Charge Shot: MegaMan's default Mega Buster charge attack. It does five times the damage of a normal buster shot in Battle Network 2, and does ten times the damage in Battle Network 3.

BC Element Heat Heat[]

MegaMan gains the Fire element, becoming stronger against Wood enemies but weak against Aqua attacks.

  • Flamethrower: MegaMan's charged shot is replaced by a powerful flamethrower that has a medium-long charge rate and stretches up to three panels ahead of him. Like other Heat-element attacks, it destroys Grass panels while dealing double damage to anything on them at the time. This also inflicts double damage to Wood-type enemies.
  • Heat-element styles can walk over lava panels with no consequence.
  • Special Chips: Big Red Wave (BN2), Standout (BN3), Salamander (BN3)

BC Element Aqua Aqua[]

MegaMan gains the Aqua element, becoming stronger against Fire enemies but weak against Elec attacks.

  • Aqua Shot: MegaMan's charged shot is replaced by a moderately-weak, but incredibly fast-charging bubble shot that hits the panel behind the target it strikes. Mega Man Battle Network 3 increases the charge time for this attack while increasing the damage of the shot to compensate. This also inflicts double damage to Heat-type enemies.
  • No Slip: Battle Network 3 only. Aqua element styles are immune to slipping on ice panels and are able to walk on them normally.
  • Special Chips: Freeze Bomb (BN2), Waterline (BN3), Fountain (BN3)

BC Element Elec Elec[]

MegaMan gains the Elec element, becoming stronger against Aqua enemies but weak against Wood attacks.

  • Zap Ring: MegaMan's charged shot is replaced by a zap ring which does minimal damage, but paralyzes enemies on contact. It is incredibly weak, with a medium charge rate that exceeds the paralysis time. Like Elec element chips and enemy attacks, it does double damage to Aqua-type enemies and/or foes on Ice Panels.
  • Elec element styles are immune to Magnet panels, staying in place rather than being drawn in towards the panel.
  • Special Chips: Sparker (BN2), Lightning (BN3), Bolt (BN3)

BC Element Wood Wood[]

MegaMan gains the Wood element, becoming stronger against Elec enemies but weak against Fire attacks.

  • Twister: MegaMan's charged shot is replaced by a Wood-element tornado attack that hits up to eight times. While effectively one of the more powerful charge attacks, it only hits 2 spaces ahead of MegaMan's panel, limiting its range. In Mega Man Battle Network 3, the attack does double damage to any enemy on a Sand Panel. This also inflicts double damage to Elec-type enemies.
  • Wood element styles restore HP when standing on Grass panels. When used in conjunction with the 'UnderShirt' Navi Customizer Program, Wood Style users become much harder to delete.
  • Special Chips: Gaia Sword (BN2, BN3), Gaia Blade (BN3)

Style Change forms[]

Recurring styles[]

Normal Style[]


Normal Style

Normal Style (ノーマルスタイル) is MegaMan's base form, and non-elemental Style. In Battle Network 2, MegaMan can use the Fighter Sword, Knight Sword, and Hero Sword secret chips only in Normal Style.

Guts Style[]


HeatGuts Style

Main article: Guts Style

Guts Style (ガッツスタイル) is obtained for using the Buster more than other styles of fighting. It is attributed to having a large fist attachment.

Custom Style[]


AquaCustom Style

Main article: Custom Style

Custom Style (カスタムスタイル) is obtained by selecting as many non-Navi chips as possible in a turn, focusing more on Battle Chip and Program Advance strategies. It is recognized by the large upgraded backpack.

Team Style[]


ElecTeam Style

Main article: Team Style

Team Style, known as Brother Style (ブラザースタイル) in Japan, is received by using Navi chips more than any other kind. It allows for more Mega/Navi chips to be placed in a folder at a time. Team is recognized by its larger helmet crest and stylized boots and gloves.

Shield Style[]


WoodShield Style

Main article: Shield Style

Shield Style (シールドスタイル) is obtained by using recovery and defensive chips. This style is recognized by its shield on its right arm.

Hub Style[]


Hub Style

Main article: Hub Style

Hub Style, known as Saito Style (サイトスタイル) in Japan, is the result of of battles with powerful Navis and a continuous state of Full Synchro making MegaMan’s subconscious run the dormant Hub.bat.[1] Its appearance is of Normal Style MegaMan but in a different color, although the design may differ in different mediums.

The Hub Style is the only style not in the Mega Man Battle Network 3.

Mega Man Battle Network 3 only[]

Ground Style[]


ElecGround Style

Main article: Ground Style

Ground Style (グランドスタイル) is only available in the White Version of Mega Man Battle Network 3. Obtainable by using panel changing chips, like Sanctuary or Grass Stage. Notable by large 'boots'.

Shadow Style[]


HeatShadow Style

Main article: Shadow Style

Shadow Style (シャドースタイル) is only available in Blue version of Mega Man Battle Network 3. Obtainable by using invisibility chips over all others. It is recognized by its ninja-like design; the elongated helmet (resembling a streamlined biker's), high collar, and two wing-like scarf attachments.

Bug Style[]


AquaBug Style

Main article: Bug Style

Bug Style (バグスタイル) appears in both versions of the game. Bug Style can be attained by continuous virus busting with any bug from improperly placed Navi Customizer programs. Players may change what bug is affecting MegaMan at any time, just as long as they have a bug for their battles. This style is notable by the yellow squares on MegaMan's body and a darker color for his element body.

Possible Styles[]

Non-elemental Styles[]

Normal Hub Style (BN2) Hub Style (BCC)
NormStyle HubStyle MMBCCHubStyle

Elemental Styles[]

Note: The colors in this chart may be inaccurate.

Style Heat Aqua Elec Wood Appears
Guts HeatGuts AquaGuts ElecGuts WoodGuts MMBN2 and MMBN3
Custom HeatCustom AquaCustom ElecCustom WoodCustom
Team HeatTeam AquaTeam ElecTeam WoodTeam
Shield HeatShield AquaShield ElecShield WoodShield
Ground HeatGround AquaGround ElecGround WoodGround MMBN3 White
Shadow HeatShadow AquaShadow ElecShadow WoodShadow MMBN3 Blue
Bug HeatBug AquaBug ElecBug WoodBug MMBN3

Other game appearances[]

  • Fixed Style Change combinations appeared as Navi Chips in Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge: Hub Style, HeatGuts, ElecTeam, WoodShield, and AquaCustom. To compensate for the altered Navi Chip attacks and elements, all of MegaMan's styles have less HP than Normal Style MegaMan.
    • There are four Normal Navis with Elemental Styles that share MegaMan's Elemental Power Attacks. They are Navi-F (Heat), Navi-A (Aqua), Navi-W (Wood), and Navi-E (Elec).
  • Fixed Style Change combinations appeared in Rockman EXE WS. They are the following: HeatGuts, ElecTeam, WoodShield, AquaCustom and Hub Style.
  • Style Changes appeared as Battle Memory in Rockman Xover.
  • Hub Style appeared as a Hunter Program in Mega Man X DiVE.
  • Ground Style and Bug Style appeared in Onimusha Blade Warriors.
  • Bug Style and Shadow Style appeared in Dragon Poker.
  • Heat Shadow Style appeared in #COMPASS.

In other media[]

MegaMan NT Warrior[]

In the anime, when MegaMan was brought back to life,[2] Dr. Hikari installed the Style Change program into him. He continues using multiple types of Style Changes throughout the season: HeatGuts, ElecTeam, WoodShield, AquaCustom, and Bug Style. In MegaMan NT Warrior Axess, MegaMan loses access to these forms due to the side effect of Cross Fusion.

MegaMan NT Warrior manga[]


The four ultimate warriors in MegaMan’s image.

The four primary Style Changes are only used by the four ultimate warriors, a trial bestowed by PharaohMan that MegaMan must complete. MegaMan never gets the chance to use them. In the fight against the four ultimate warriors, MegaMan gains the Hub Style and becomes his signature technique for multiple chapters. Although MegaMan only has the Hub Style in the manga, but the Bug Style makes a small cameo during the Dark Power incident and is not directly named.

Not only MegaMan, Bass and ProtoMan also have their own Style Change.


Bass HubStyle.

  • Hub Style (Bass): In a battle against Bass, MegaMan HubStyle appeared to eventually gain the upper hand knocking Bass into rubbble. However Bass arose and through his Get Ability program, he obtained a HubStyle of his own. Bass HubStyle appeared to overpower MegaMan in every way but MegaMan finds a way to pierce through his powerful assaults. Afterwards, Bass is not seen using this form again.
ProtoMan Muramasa Style

ProtoMan Muramasa Style

  • Muramasa Style (ProtoMan): This form was born when Serenade entrusted ProtoMan with the sword of destiny - Muramasa, which was specifically created to combat Dark Power. Therefore, this style is unique in that it is actually ProtoMan reacting to the power of an external weapon rather than Chaud’s specific combat style, as is the case with all other forms of Style Change. Muramasa Style originally premiered in combat against DesertMan, who was instantly shredded to pieces, despite his apparently unstoppable attack against the resistance, and again appeared in combat against BeastMan. ProtoMan's Muramasa Style is implicitly contrasted with MegaMan's HubStyle, which strength is useless against Dark Power.

Yamato Man's spear tip
Yamato Man


Rockman Blues Soul Saito Style Muramasa Style is formed.

  • Rockman Blues Soul Saito Style Muramasa Style: Appears in the Forte - Time of Reunion special chapter. During a fight against Forte, Rockman Saito Style and Blues Muramasa Style found themselves fuse together through Soul Unison. After Forte destroyed Blues Soul's arm weapons, Rockman reveals he can materialize Muramasa to continue battling. After Rockman's attack was blocked by Forte's Gospel shield, the form was taken out by a blindsided blast attack. The appearance is of Blues Soul with Muramasa Style's outfit and Saito Style's data stream on his helmet.

Yamato Man

Battle Story MegaMan NT Warrior[]

In the manga, MegaMan using multiple types of Style Changes: Shield, Guts, Custom, Team, Shadow, and Ground Style. It is worth noting that MegaMan has used HeatGuts and ElecGuts respectively, which means that he can change the element of style.


  • It was never mentioned why MegaMan loses the ability to use Style Change in Mega Man Battle Network 4, leaving only to speculation.
  • It is suggested in the games that other Navis use "styles", such as one NPC knows about Style Change even though her Navi hasn't gone through one [3]. Apparently Style Change isn't a unique ability that only MegaMan can do, as any Navi can perform them as long as the conditions are met. However, the powers are used more efficiently by Lan and MegaMan due to their incredible bond[4].
  • Hub Style is the only style whose look is depicted vastly differently between mediums. In Mega Man Battle Network 2, it's originally a lighter shade of blue from MegaMan's normal style. In Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge, it's depicted as violet. In the official art, HubStyle MegaMan adopts a luminescent green color scheme and is encircled by futuristic, glowing runes. Its design in the NT Warrior manga is similar to the official art, though MegaMan also gains a physically mature form and leaks power from the fins of his helmet.
  • Within Battle Network 3's data, Style Change colors can be swapped. E.g. HeatGround to have HeatBug's darker red colors, Normal Style to have any elemental colors, or any Style to be non-elemental. There is also unused colors, light blue from Hub Style from Battle Network 2, as well as a violet dark blue color that's similar to HubStyle in Battle Chip Challenge, that can be applied to Styles.[5]
  • In MMBN2, the color of MegaMan's insignia on his chest and ears will be different depending on the Style: Black for Guts; Light Green for Custom; Green for Shield; Blue for Team; Pink for Hub
    • However in MMBN3, the color will be based on the element: Blue for Heat; Black for Aqua; Green for Elec; Purple for Wood. The exception is Bug Style, which will always be red regardless of the element.
  • Instead of the usual concept artists, most of the work on designing the Style Changes were passed over to the Design Studio (AKA Official Illustrators).[6]
  • Due to a glitch in the first print of the Japanese version of Mega Man Battle Network 3 (both original and Black), it's possible to get the opposite version-exclusive Style when it's done through Random Style Change. Random Style Change occurs when a maxed out Style tries to go into another Style, but the most points is to the same Style and every other Style have equal points, so the game attempts to pick a random Style instead. However due to this being unintended, obtaining the NaviCust Programs and trying to get a new Style will be impossible. This was fixed in later Japanese releases and international version.

See also[]


  1. Yuichiro: “During battles with strong Navis,with a continuously full-syncro state,MegaMan's subconscious runs hub.bat,which was supposed to be switched off before. Call it...HubStyle!”
  2. Rockman EXE episode 25
  3. Girl: "I decided to relax back here at the inn during free time. Hey,have you heard about style changes Navis evolve,based on how their operators fight! When a style change occurs,the Navi gets all kinds of special powers! My Navi's never gone through a style change⋯ But MegaMan might go through one sometime!" -Mega Man Battle Network 3
  4. “ 歴代の特殊能力をざっと説明したけど条件さえ揃えばロックマンでなくても、身に付けることが出来る能力もあるね。だけど、これらの能力を正しく使いこなせたのは、やっぱりロックマンと熱斗2人の熱い友情があったからなんだろうね!” -
  6. Mega Man Battle Network Official Complete Works pg.54
