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Script/Translation of the game Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha.[1]

Rockman's Story

Scene 1: The Dimensions

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(Scene opens as Symphony City is under attack. Many explosions are seen and the citizens try to escape. A robot much like Quint leads a group of Robot Masters and a Grey Devil through the city.)

Narrator: The year is 200X. Symphony City, a city where people and robots live in peace, is attacked by robots called the Dimensions. According to eyewitnesses, the overwhelmingly powerful Dimensions are led by a robot that looks just like Rockman. He resembled a dark evil figure obsessed with destruction. When Rockman heard the news at Right's laboratory, he ran out to the scene despite the fact that he was under maintenance. At the same time, Wily saw the dark Rockman and sent Forte to the city to confirm the mystery. Who exactly is the dark Rockman?!

Rockman Shadow: My name is Rockman Shadow! I am a robot of great power. I will not tolerate anyone who disobeys me!

Rockman: Stop hurting people! Who are you, anyway? You look just like me. Why are you doing this?!

Forte: I came here today to try to put an end to Rockman, who I hate, but things seem different than usual.

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Rockman: Forte, I don't have time to worry about you right now. I have to stop those robots!

Forte: Tsk! All right, fine, there's Wily's laboratory near this city. Let's call a truce here!

Scene 2: Rockman Shadow

(Rockman fights through a stage until he encounters the Grey Devil. He fights it and destroys it. Later, he and Rockman Shadow are seen talking.)

Rockman Shadow: Just what I would expect from Rockman, beating my Grey Devil. But I'll show no mercy to anyone who ruins my robot factory.

Rockman: Who exactly are you? For some reason, I don't feel like I've never seen you before. Stop being bad and let's find a way to live in harmony with everyone else!

Rockman Shadow: Heheheh, unfortunately, I'm not built that way. I'll tell you who I am once you've defeated my men.

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 3: The True Enemy

(Rockman finds Blues and stops to talk to him.)

Rockman: Blues, tell me! Who is that other me who wears a black helmet?

Blues: Rockman Shadow is literally your silhouette. He's the real opponent you'll face as you grow in strength.

Rockman: What are you talking about? What am I supposed to do, Blues?

Blues: If you're going to continue to be a peace-lover, you're gonna have to stick with it. We all have our opponents to overcome. Don't lose...

(Scene fades out. Rockman continues on.)

Scene 4: Compass Man

(After defeating Konroman, Danganman, Airconman, Komusoman, and the Clockmen, Compassman teleports in to talk to Rockman.)

Rockman: Don't get in my way. Please let me through here. I just want to see Shadow and talk to him!

Compassman: My name is Compassman. I'm a friend of Rockman Shadow. At the end of this stage is Shadow's own castle. However, I can't let you guys go any further. I've prepared the enemies for you from here on out. It's in your best interest to come at me with everything you've got!

Scene 5: Final Confrontation

(Rockman meets Rockman Shadow at the beginning of his stage.)

Rockman: Rockman Shadow! This is the end of your factory. I don't want to fight with you! No more pointless battles.

Rockman Shadow: You're here at last. As promised, I'll tell you who I am. You may have once fought a robot called Quint. He's a modified Rockman from the future. So am I. In the future, Wily has not yet given up his ambition to take over the world. I've traveled back in time from the future to stop him. For the sake of the future, I have to erase the existence of the robots of this era. The only way to do this is to take care of the robots of the past, root and branch.

Rockman: Is that why you attacked us?! I can't allow you to do that, though. Dr. Right said that you can't solve everything by force. I agree with him! I don't want to see Rolly and the others cry! There has to be a better way. I'm going to stop you!

(The scene fades to white. Rockman fights through the stage until he encounters Rockman Shadow again. After a fierce battle, Rockman Shadow is eventually defeated and lays dying in Rockman's arms.)

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Scene 6: Epilogue

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Rockman: That was a tough battle... it was like I was fighting myself. When I delivered the final blow, it was as if something disappeared in my heart.

Rockman Shadow: Well done, Rockman... I couldn't win in the end... but that's okay. The truth is, I lied that Wily continues to do evil in the future. I was a robot left behind as Quint's dud. But I modified myself to gain the power I have now. And with that power, I destroyed the entire planet. In the future, there is no one on Earth who can defeat me. That's why I've come back through time to find someone who can.

Rockman: No way... you make it sound like you wanted to die. If you had told me earlier, I might have found a way to help you.

Rockman Shadow: No, it's all right. There will never be another robot like me. Haven't you noticed? As you fought my men... you became more and more dangerous with each victory. I was, quite literally, your shadow. Don't drown in your strength like I did, Rockman. And keep saving everyone's smiles... goodbye.

(Rockman Shadow dies.)

Rockman: All right, Shadow... I swear I won't misuse it, even if the fight goes on. Goodbye.

(Scene cuts to view Rockman and Forte standing near Rockman Shadow's grave.)

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Rockman: Forte, I'll leave our fight for later. I want to return to the others. But if you start acting up again, I'll do everything in my power to stop you! My goal from now on is to create a world without conflict!

(Rockman and Forte teleport away. After a few seconds, Rockman Shadow's "spirit" appears from the grave, blinks, and then rises into the sky, becoming an energy ball much like a Cyber-elf. Scene cuts to the credits. After the credits, an image with all the main characters is shown, including Rockman Shadow.)

Forte's Story

Scene 1: The Dimensions

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Narrator: The year is 200X. Symphony City, a city where people and robots live in peace, is attacked by robots called the Dimensions. According to eyewitnesses, the overwhelmingly powerful Dimensions are led by a robot that looks just like Rockman. He resembled a dark evil figure obsessed with destruction. When Rockman heard the news at Right's laboratory, he ran out to the scene despite the fact that he was under maintenance. At the same time, Wily saw the dark Rockman and sent Forte to the city to confirm the mystery. Who exactly is the dark Rockman?!

Rockman Shadow: My name is Rockman Shadow! I am a robot of great power. I will not tolerate anyone who disobeys me!

Rockman: Stop hurting people! Who are you, anyway? You look just like me. Why are you doing this?!

Forte: I came here today to try to put an end to Rockman, who I hate, but things seem different than usual.

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Rockman: Forte, I don't have time to worry about you right now. I have to stop those robots!

Forte: Tsk! All right, fine, there's Wily's laboratory near this city. Let's call a truce here!

Scene 2: Rockman Shadow

(Forte fights through a stage until he encounters the Grey Devil. He fights it and destroys it. Later, he and Rockman Shadow are seen talking.)

Rockman Shadow: You don't call yourself the strongest for nothing, beating the Grey Devil. But I'll show no mercy to anyone who ruins my robot factory.

Forte: Who exactly are you? Somehow you smell just like me.

Rockman Shadow: Heheheh, maybe we're actually brothers. I'll tell you who I am once you've defeated my men.

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 3: The True Enemy

(Bass finds Blues and stops to talk to him.)


Forte: Blues! If you know who that dark Rockman is, tell me!

Blues: Rockman Shadow is also the enemy of your heart. He's the real opponent you'll face as you grow in strength.

Forte: What are you talking about? You're gonna have to be more specific than that!

Blues: Let's say you've managed to defeat Rockman. But there will be a new enemy standing before you. It's time for you to learn what true strength is.

(Scene fades out. Forte continues on.)

Scene 4: Compass Man

(After defeating Konroman, Danganman, Airconman, Komusoman, and the Clockmen, Compassman teleports in to talk to Bass.)


Forte: You're in my way, you pests! Step aside unless you wanna get scrapped! I only want to see the dark Rockman!

Compassman: My name is Compassman. I'm a friend of Rockman Shadow. At the end of this stage is Shadow's own castle. However, I can't let you guys go any further. I've prepared the enemies for you from here on out. It's in your best interest to come at me with everything you've got!

Scene 5: Final Confrontation

(Forte meets Rockman Shadow at the beginning of his stage.)

Forte: Rockman Shadow! I've made it this far. So much for that sissy smile of yours. Prepare yourself.

Rockman Shadow: You're here at last. As promised, I'll tell you who I am. Once, Dr. Wily had modified the Rockman from the future. His name was Quint. That's why you and I smell so much alike. I'm the other Quint that was created then! Forte, if we work together, the real Rockman will be no match for us. Why don't we join forces for the sake of the future? You'll have the strength you seek. The two of us will destroy everything on Earth. Then we'll truly be the world's strongest!

Forte: I see... so we are both Wily's robots. It wouldn't be a bad idea to team up and truly become the strongest. But I don't like being told what to do. And I don't want to be ordered around by someone with the face of Rockman, whom I hate. I'm going to go my own way. First, I'm gonna beat the snot out of you!

(The scene fades to white. Bass fights through the stage until he encounters Rockman Shadow again. After a fierce battle, Rockman Shadow is eventually defeated and lays dying in Mega Man's arms.)

Scene 6: Epilogue

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Forte: It's been a while since I've had this much trouble... it was like I was fighting myself. When I finally finished you off, it was as if something had changed in me.

Rockman Shadow: Well done, Forte... you deserve to be called the strongest. Actually, I wasn't looking to be the strongest. I was a robot left behind as Quint's dud. But I modified myself to gain the power I have now. And with that power, I destroyed the entire planet. In the future, there is no one on Earth who can defeat me. That's why I've come back through time to find someone who can.

Forte: What...? So you were planning to lose from the start? You didn't go easy on me, did you?!

Rockman Shadow: This was an earnest fight. I took it seriously. But now you've learned something, haven't you? As you fought me... you felt the emptiness of defeating an enemy only to have another one appear... I may have been a shadow of you in the form of Rockman. Just seeking strength is no way for a robot to live. Don't end up like me, Forte... farewell.

(Rockman Shadow dies.)


Forte: I'm not gonna imitate Rockman. I'm going my own way. But this proved educational. See you around.

(Scene cuts to view Rockman and Forte standing near Rockman Shadow's grave.)

Forte: Rockman! I'll leave our fight for later. I'll spare you the scrapping today. But I am the strongest one around! Remember that!

(Rockman and Forte teleport away. After a few seconds, Rockman Shadow's "spirit" appears from the grave, blinks, and then rises into the sky, becoming an energy ball much like a Cyber-elf. Scene cuts to the credits. After the credits, an image with all the main characters is shown, including Rockman Shadow.)

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End of Script

