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Spread Drill (スプレッドドリル Supureddo Doriru) is Ground Man's Special Weapon from Mega Man & Bass. When equipped, the user shoots out a big drill missile, which upon pressing the FIRE Button again, will split into two smaller drills. When the player presses the FIRE button again, the two drills can then be split again into two smaller drills each for a total of four small drills. If the first drill is not split by the user, it will slowly fall down after a while, but the other drills move straight forward. Certain blocks can be destroyed with this weapon.

Spread Drill is Tengu Man's weakness; using it will make him fall down to the ground (or into a bottomless pit if he is hit by the Spread Drill over the pit, though he flies back into play regardless).

Damage data chart[]

Damage values in units in Mega Man & Bass.

SpreadDrillIcon Spread Drill MMB-SpreadDrill-Bass-Icon
Boss Damage
Green Devil 6:2:1
Cold Man 1:1:1
Burner Man 1:1:1
Pirate Man 1:1:1
Ground Man 0:0:0
Tengu Man 6:4:3
Magic Man 2:1:1
Astro Man 1:0:0
Dynamo Man 1:1:0
Atetemino Proto 1:1:1
King Tank 3:2:1
King Plane 4:3:2
King 1:1:1
Jet King Robo 0:0:0
Wily Machine 1:1:1
Wily Capsule 1:1:1
  • For Spread Drill, the first number is damage inflicted with the big drill; the second number is with the smaller drills; the third number is with the tiny drills.


See also[]

Similar Weapons[]
