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"This is no ordinary riot. This is revenge! Revenge for all the Reploids you labeled Maverick and threw onto this scrap heap!"
―Burn Rooster, Mega Man X8

Burn Rooster, known as Burn Kokekokker (バーン・コケコッカー Bān Kokekokkā) in Japan, is a New Generation Reploid from Mega Man X8 based on a rooster.

Rooster has high resistance to heat and worked at a borderland waste disposal center that harnesses the heat of a volcano to incinerate garbage, including retired Mavericks. Unhappy with his work, he became a Maverick and caused an uprising in the disposal center. When the Maverick Hunters first encounter him, he's kicking a machine in the back of the room (this might be what causes the lava to rise after his defeat).

After Burn Rooster's defeat, the place begins to flood with lava. In order to finish the level, the player must beat the "flood" in a race to the top, and grab the large Metal there to end the stage (this kind of Metal is usually obtained by defeating bosses in Mega Man X8).


Burn Rooster is an orange Reploid with a design reminiscent of a rooster. This is evoked in his beak, his clawed feet, the comb-like plumes of fire on his head, and the wattle-like canisters near his neck. His shoulderpads also extended behind his body, similar to wings. He is relatively short, only standing about as tall as X.

Burn Rooster's character is proud, fair and square.[3] On the other hand, he is a fittingly hot-headed individual. He refers to the disposal center as a Reploid graveyard, and wants revenge for all the Reploids that he believed were wrongfully labeled Maverick and scrapped in the name of justice. Therefore, he's willing to pay the price of being used by Sigma, as implied in the dialogue between him and X.


Burn Rooster is a nimble opponent who spends most of the battle flying at the top of the screen, descending to attack. His special Fire Enchantment ability can power up his attacks with blue fire by tanking weak hits, but this can be reversed with Guard Break attacks. He can control the arena by changing the layout of the pillars, and his Overdrive attack fills the walls with fire.

Burn Rooster is weak to ice weapons (Drift Diamond, Hyouryuushou, and Ice Gattling), which briefly freeze him in place and put him into a weakened state. Rooster's crest disappears, he flies much slower than usual, and his attack range and speed are severely decreased. Rooster is still able to conjure a crest to perform his Crest Attack, albeit slower than usual.

MMX8 BurnRooster FireEnchant Fire Enchantment (ファイアエンチャント,[4] "Fire Enchant")
Every time Rooster is hit by a weak attack, he powers up by spawning red flames around himself on the first hit, orange flames on the second, purple flames on the third, and finally blue on the fourth. Upon reaching the blue state, Rooster shouts "I'll show you my true power!" (さあ、見せてやるぜ!, Saa, misete yaru ze!), and his attacks become faster and more powerful. His power can be reversed by striking him with Guard Break attacks, degrading one color and shouting "No!" (くそ!, Kuso!) each time.
Damage: 0
MMX8 BurnRooster MeltCreeper Melt Creeper (メルトクリーパー[4][5])
Rooster kicks twice before stomping, summoning a wave of flames. In the blue Fire Enchantment state, the flames emerge on both sides and burn for longer.
Damage: 4
MMX8 BurnRooster Enkoujin Enkoujin (焔降刃,[4][5] "Blaze Drop Blade")
Rooster performs a fiery dive kick from the air, bouncing from wall to wall until he hits the floor. In the blue Fire Enchantment state, he moves faster and releases small balls of flame as he goes. It is named after Zero's Z-Saber's Enkoujin, despite being more reminiscent of the K Knuckle's Enkoukyaku.
Damage: 4 (normal), 6 (Fire Enchantment)
MMX8 BurnRooster VolcanoQuake Volcano Quake (ボルケーノクエイク[4][5])
After Rooster's health has been depleted by about a quarter, he retreats to the background to activate a machine, causing the floor pillars to rise and sink. This changes the dynamics of the arena for both Rooster and the player.
Damage: 0
MMX8 BurnRooster CrestShoot Crest Shoot (クレストシュート[4][5])
Rooster launches the fiery crest from his head at the player, and it spins in place before dissipating. In the blue Fire Enchantment state, the crest is larger and has a wider spin.
Damage: 2
MMX8 BurnRooster FlameBurner Flame Burner (フレイムバーナー[4][5])
Rooster breathes fire like a flamethrower. In the blue Fire Enchantment state, this attack has longer range and duration.
Damage: 6
MMX8 BurnRooster FlameTornado Flame Tornado (フレイムトルネード[4][5])
Burn Rooster's Overdrive attack, used once per battle. He jumps to the center of the arena to unleash two mighty pillars of flame on either sides of the room, cutting off the walls and reaching all the way to the ceiling. These conflagrations burn for the rest of the battle.
Damage: 6



Main article: Inferno

Navigator descriptions[]

Alia: The target is highly resistant to heat and has flame based weapon systems. The key to this battle will be in figuring out a way to keep the flames at bay.

Layer: This target is resistant to heat and uses fire weapons. It seems to possess the ability to power up its own abilities at will. Use barrier breaking attacks to cancel the enemy's power up techniques. Good luck.



Before defeating four Mavericks[]

Burn Rooster: X! Recognize this place?
X: It's the borderline waste disposal center. Where garbage is pressurized and burned... Why have you started a riot? What’s going on here?
Burn Rooster: This is no ordinary riot. This is revenge! Revenge for all the Reploids you labeled Maverick and threw onto this scrap heap!
X: Mavericks bring only disaster and destruction! We have no choice but to stop them!

Burn Rooster: This is what you mean when you speak of justice? It's you who should be scrapped! There's no place for Reploids like you in the new world we will create!

Burn Rooster: Do you know what this place is, Zero?
Zero: The waste disposal center... After I'm through slicing and dicing, this is where I'll toss what's left of you.
Burn Rooster: Hmpf. All I'm doing is listening to the cries of pain... The cries of all the Reploids you've sent here because you decided they were Mavericks.
Zero: If you can hear all that, I guess that means you're a Maverick too, huh?

Burn Rooster: Ha! You'll realize soon enough who's right and who's wrong in this struggle.

Burn Rooster: Know where you are, chum?
Axl: The name's Axl, and I'm no chum of yours. Anyway, this is the waste disposal center...
Burn Rooster: It's so much more than that. It's the graveyard of all the Reploids deemed Maverick.
Axl: Oh, so you thought you'd just start an uprising in return? That's Maverick behavior.

Burn Rooster: This is what you mean when you speak about justice? It's you who should be scrapped! There's no place for Reploids like you in the new world we will create!

After defeating four Mavericks[]

X: Burn Rooster. Why have you started a riot? Is Sigma controlling you?
Burn Rooster: My master... He will have his revenge for all the Reploids whose broken bodies rest here.
X: What does he plan to do? You know, he's just using you. Nothing more.

Burn Rooster: Using me? If that's the price I have to pay to bring about the new world, so be it!

Zero: Why have you started a riot? Is this Sigma's doing?
Burn Rooster: Can't you hear them, Zero? The cries of woe from those Reploids discarded in the name of justice?
Zero: Woe? Give me a break!

Burn Rooster: You won't mock me when the new world becomes a reality!

Axl: Why did you start this riot? Are you being controlled by Sigma?
Burn Rooster: My master... He will have his revenge for all the Reploids whose broken bodies rest here.
Axl: Sad story, but I'm afraid you've been led astray. You can't believe the things Sigma says.

Burn Rooster: I won't let you get in the way of our new world!

In-battle quotes[]

Action Romaji Japanese English
Enkoujin Enkoujin! 焔降刃! Enkoujin!
Enkoujin (blue) Sora sora, hahahaha! そらそら、ハハハハ! Hey you, hahahahaha!
Crest Shoot or Flame Burner Sora sorā! そらそらーっ! Gotcha!
Crest Shoot or Flame Burner Fuun! ふんっ! Hmmm!
Crest Shoot or Flame Burner Haa! ハッ! Haah!
Crest Shoot or Flame Burner (blue) Hahaha! ハハハ! Hahaha!
Crest Shoot or Flame Burner (blue) Kurae! 喰らえっ! Eat this!
Crest Shoot or Flame Burner (blue) Moe tagire! 燃え滾れっ! Burn baby burn!
Melt Creeper Meruto Kurīpā! メルトクリーパー! Melt Creeper!
Melt Creeper Makkuro kogeda ze! 真っ黒焦げだぜ! Like toasted marshmallows!
Melt Creeper (blue) Yaahahaha! ゲヘヘヘ! Yaahahahaha!
Blue Fire Enchantment Saa, misete yaru ze! さあ、見せてやるぜ! I'll show you my true power!
Knocked out of Fire Enchantment Kuso! (Curses!) くそ! No!
Volcano Quake Vuooooooooo! ゔおおおおおおおおお! Uuuoooo!
Overdrive: Flame Tornado Omoishire! (Behold!) 思い知れ! I'll get you!
Overdrive: Flame Tornado Hahahaha! ハハハハ! Ahahahahaha!
Hit with weakness Chikushou! 畜生! Darn!
Defeated Hahahahahahahaha! ハハハハハハハハ! Kaaahahaha!

Other appearances[]

Other media[]

Archie Comics[]

Burn Rooster was one of the numerous Mavericks across time resurrected by Sigma-1 to serve him as an army in battling the Freedom Fighters, Mega Man and his fellow Robot Masters, the Maverick Hunters, and the members of Team Sticks, helding a massive advantage in numbers. After the heroes could barely stand, he stayed behind alongside three Mavericks to finish them, but they are surprised by the arrival of the heroes of Street Fighter, with Chun-Li dealing Burn Rooster a heavy blow with Spinning Bird Kick and finishing him with her Hyakuretsukyaku.




  • His Japanese name "Kokekokker" is derived from "kokekokkō (コケコッコー)", Japanese for a rooster's crowing sound.
  • Although his kick attack is actually the Enkoukyaku, he yells "Enkoujin!" when he performs this attack.
  • When Zero is equipped with the K Knuckle, his Enkoukyaku is the same as Burn Rooster's, except for the wall-bounding ability.
  • His weapon, the Melt Creeper, looks similar to the Fire Wave in its charged state.
  • Burn Rooster's weakness is rare (a fire-type weak against an ice-type weapon). He shares this weakness with only three other Robot Masters from the original series: Fire Man, Torch Man and Burner Man (Same thing with Avalanche Yeti that shares his weakness with Tundra Man, Ice Man, and Cold Man where they more susceptible to electricity than fire). This may have to do with the fact that they have fire coming out of their heads (when it's put out, it weakens them). This can be supported by the fact that Magma Man has fire coming out of his head and is weakened when it is put out (however, seeing as there is no ice weapon in Mega Man 9, this is done with a wind weapon just like in Mega Man 6).
  • In Vile Mode of Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, a technique similar to Enkoukyaku is used by Zero in the final battle.


  1. Mega Man X8 instruction manual
  2. MM25 Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works
  3. Rockman X8 Kyūkyoku Complete Guide - p. 14
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Rockman X8 Kyūkyoku Complete Guide - pp. 115-117
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Rockman X8 Hisshou Kouryakuhou - pp. 92-93
